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G. Approved Minutes, July 27, 2011
City of Salem Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes

Board or Committee:             Design Review Board, Regular Meeting
Date and Time:                  Wednesday July 27, 2011 at 6:00pm
Meeting Location:               Third Floor Conference Room, 120 Washington Street
Members Present:                Chairperson Paul Durand, Michael Blier, Ernest DeMaio, David Jaquith
Members Absent:                 Glenn Kennedy, Helen Sides
Others Present:                 Tom Devine
Recorder:                               Sarah Brophy

Urban Renewal Area Projects Under Review
  • 76 Lafayette Street (Salem Seggliders): Discussion of proposed façade
Joe Ingram and Victor Cora presented. The Board reviews the submission that includes a letter, sign plans, and photos. The proposal includes an adjustment from what is currently installed. Current installation was not approved and will be removed. Salem Seggliders is proposing something simple on the Derby Street side that corresponds with their red/white logo. On the back they are planning to match the existing purple awning that is to remain. All signage is short term as they will not be in this location beyond October 31, 2011.
Durand commented that the phone number and URL are not allowed to be on the main sign and will need to be eliminated.
Durand questioned the illuminated box sign. Salem Seggliders confirmed that they would not be using illumination.
Durand:  Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • Signage to be temporary
  • No illumination
  • No phone number or web address can be displayed on signs
Seconded by DeMaio. Passes 4-0.
  • 2 East India Square (Church Street façade) (Thai Place): Discussion of proposed outdoor dining area
Sophen Nualpring presented. The Board reviews the submission that includes plans, photos, and images of furniture. Proposing to install five (5) tables and fifteen (15) chairs on Church Street sidewalk. Tables and chairs are proposed to be black.
Durand commented that the quantity and location of the stanchions would need to be identified for the record.
DeMaio indicated that more information would be required regarding the stanchions including dimensions of layout, color, finish and type of chain. Nualpring provided required information during the meeting.
Durand suggested that a plan locating stanchions be created during this meeting. DeMaio expressed concern regarding pedestrian access along the sidewalk. Stanchions were located on a plan diagram.
Durand:  Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • Stanchions and chains to be black
  • Stanchions to be located as marked on plan created at the meeting
Seconded by DeMaio. Passes 4-0.
  • 203 Essex Street (Addicted): Discussion of proposed signage
Durand recused himself.
Gabriele Manukyan presented proposed signage and green paint at underside of the soffit. The Board reviews the submission that includes a photo of the proposal.
DeMaio inquired about the underside of the soffit being painted green. Manukyan confirmed that it is not part of the branding and that the soffit simply needed to be painted.
DeMaio indicated that all signage should be submitted for approval prior to installation. Paint color of soffit should have been reviewed as well.
DeMaio:  Motion to approve, seconded by DeMaio. Passes 3-0.
  • 203 Essex Street (The Back Room): Discussion of proposed signage
Durand recused himself.
Gabriele Manukyan presented. The Board reviews the submission that includes plans and photos of the proposal.
DeMaio inquired about where the A-Frame sign will be located. Manukyan said that it has been placed in the recessed entrance area as well as near the tree, which is not in the path of travel and does not obstruct pedestrians.
DeMaio does not have objection to the signage as proposed. Freestanding sign must comply with the dimensional requirements of the ordinance.
Manukyan inquired about how to get approval for a tent on Essex Street like other merchants. The DRB directed him to speak with Tom Daniel about the approval process.
DeMaio:  Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • Door signage to be removed
  • A-frame sign is approved on the condition that it comply with dimensions in ordinance
  • A-frame sign is to be located in recessed entrance area. DRB approval is required if it is to be located elsewhere.
Seconded by Blier. Passes 3-0.
  • 155 Washington Street (Adriatic): Discussion of proposed umbrellas
Vini Kurti presented. The Board reviews the submission that includes a letter and photo. The Adriatic would like to install temporary umbrellas for this season and will be installing an awning when funds are available. The proposed umbrellas have a beer advertisement on them.
Durand stated that umbrellas are not supposed to have advertising on them.
Jaquith wanted to know how many umbrellas are in question. Kurti said that it is six (6) umbrellas. The umbrellas will provide shade outside as well as reduce solar gain on the interior.
DeMaio said that if this is approved it will have to be conditioned carefully.
DeMaio stated that from an aesthetic point of view, he rejects the umbrellas. The umbrellas have nothing to do with the design of the exterior of the Adriatic.
Kurti responded that the umbrellas have been ordered. He defended the color selection. The approved awning was blue and white striped.
Durand commented that while this is against regulations and is difficult for the DRB to support, an exception is being made because this is a short-term solution much like a temporary sign.
DeMaio is in opposition. Approving this type of umbrella is contrary to the goals of the DRB.
Jaquith:  Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • Umbrellas are approved for only this season, which ends October 31, 2011.
Seconded by Durand. Passes 3-1.
  • 133 Washington Street (Salem Loan & Jewelry): Discussion of proposed signage
Frank Delgaudio presented. The Board reviews the submission that includes a letter and photo.
Devine noted that Tom Daniel stated that the interior neon sign can be seen from the street.
Durand stated that neon signs are forbidden per the regulations. The sign needs to be relocated so that it can’t be seen from the outside.
DeMaio asked if the sign on the right of the proposal could have less text and be the same size and alignment as the one on the left. Delgaudio volunteered that a line of text can be removed.
Jaquith:  Motion to approve with the following conditions:
  • “Buy-sell-loan” to be removed from signage on right hand window and remaining text to be same size and alignment as text on left window.
  • The neon sign currently located on an interior wall and visible from outside may remain if it is disconnected and not illuminated. Otherwise, it must be located where it is not obviously visible from the outside.
Seconded by Durand. Passes 4-0.
  • 239 Washington Street (Salem Ink): Discussion of proposed signage
No one was present to represent the applicant, so the item was not heard.


5/25 minutes: DeMaio motioned, Durand seconded to approve. Passes 4-0.

6/22 minutes: Jaquith motioned, Blier seconded to approve with the following corrections. Passes 4-0.
  • Page 8, 3rd paragraph from the bottom, “darker sing” should be “darker sign”.
        Jaquith: Motion to adjourn, seconded by Durand. Passes 4-0.

        Meeting is adjourned at 7:30 pm.